Hello church, due to the recommendations of the District Superintendent, Mount Vernon Nazarene University and the Board of General Superintendents we will be cancelling church services for the next 2 Sundays, beginning this Sunday 3/22/2020. Those of you who know me, know that I do not like to cancel the Sunday morning worship service, but due to this virus outbreak and the responsibility that we have to others this decision has been made.

Although I am debating about having a “Parking Lot Service” next Sunday morning if the weather will permit. With this service folks could bring lawn chairs to set up by their cars or for those who choose can even stay in their cars. We could just spread out in the fresh mountain air and worship together, with this we would have the needed separation combined with the fresh air. As I said I am debating and praying about this. Is this something that you would like to do?

On another note I have saw where our church people are sharing what they have with those who do not have what they need. I am proud of you and I know that God is also, He will bless you for your generosity and your faith.

For those who maybe in need of eggs, Chuck Carr has plenty and has offered to deliver them.

For those who maybe wanting to bake their own bread and has been unable to find yeast I have ordered some and should have it by the first of the week, if you need yeast let me know and I will deliver it also.

Some are concerned about getting their tithes to the church after all the church must still pay the bills, you can mail them to Belington COTN… 76 Hoff Street… Belington WV 26250 or if you wish you can contact Patrick and he can lead you through the online process. Bless you for your faithfulness.

I want everyone to know that I am here for you. I am praying for you. I have hope for you. You are in mine and Bernice’s thoughts. If you find you need something I’ll do what I can to help, If you need to pray or need prayer or maybe just wish to talk or vent , call me, text me, FB message me. Whatever works best for you. If you need my cell or house number please just ask.

As we start in this journey of uncertainty let us first remember who the Creator of all heaven and earth is…. Let us never forget who our faith is in….. Let us remember as a Born again believer in Jesus Christ we have nothing to fear…. In God we Trust!

Always be on the lookout for a chance to let others know who you put your trust in. Sometimes its just a sentence, or act of kindness, a card or a phone call or an encouraging word. But you could change the world for someone else. It is in these times of trials that people wonder what’s next after this life? What happens when I die? I cannot express the importance of letting a wondering person know who your faith, hope, and love is in. Its about the saving grace of Jesus Christ and them. It’s not about us.

In a world full of panic and fear people are wondering about the “What ifs”? It makes one think that maybe we are not as indestructible as we may have thought. That our lives could be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Possibly even lose the comfy lifestyle that we have grown accustomed to. The “no answers” are painful to deal with.

Be a blessing to others, pray without ceasing, witness to Jesus being in control, love each other, and thank God every moment no matter what!

Remember you can do ALL things through Christ.

God bless you all, Bernice and I will be praying for you.

With Love Pastor Danny and Bernice



Service Update