Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus cannot be contained in or by mere human traditions. Luke 5:36 – 6:11
Jesus the healer.
Jesus responds to human needs in various ways. Luke 7:1-17
Darkness Defeated
Jesus has the authority and power to overcome the powers of darkness. Luke 8:26-39
The Mission of the 72.
Jesus provides us practical principles for participating in His mission. Luke 10:1-20
Life does not consist in abundance.
We need not worry, only God provides for our needs. Luke 12:13-34
The Rich Man and Lazarus.
There are eternal consequences for ignoring people in need. Luke 16:19-31
The Reward of Humility.
God honors those who live with a humble heart. Luke 18:1-17
Promise of the Spirit
God promises the power of the Spirit to enable the church to witness. Acts 1:1-11
The First Christian Sermon
The ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message of the church. Acts 2:14-28, 36-39
The Transforming Power of Christ
Jesus Christ has the power to completely transform people’s lives. Acts 3:1-16