The concept is simple.
The blessing box is a community mini food pantry – receiving items from those who want to donate, and offering it to those in need. We encourage people to donate whatever they can — whether it’s canned goods, a bag of baby diapers or anything non-perishable. Anyone can play a part in paying it forward to help those in need around them. To us, it means that those who leave items are blessed enough to be able to do so, and that those who need to take items, are blessed that the items are there to take. We hope that anyone who may be struggling can use the goods to make ends meet and get through the day. The box is never locked and available 24/7.
Take what you need.
If you find items inside and you need them, take them and know we care about you. Please remember the blessing box belongs to all of us and take only those items you need, trusting the blessing box will be here for you again when needed.
Give what you can
By placing food, hygiene, or paper items inside the blessing box. Give what you would want to receive. An easy rule of thumb is to buy extra of what you normally buy for your household. Even a single can of green beans can help. Items should be unexpired and in good condition. If the box is full and you wish to donate items or provide financial support please call our Church on 304 591 6762 or email
The Blessing Box is located outside at the front of the Church at 76 Hoff Street, Belington. WV.
We thank God for this opportunity to help ease the needs in this community. Please help get the word out to those in Belington WV that this is available. Blessings