Suggested NMI reading books to download in PDF format.
A story of incredible resilience and passionate faith in a country not her own, Louise Robinson Chapman’s Africa, O Africa is a reminder that God calls and sends people who are willing to say “Yes” to His will. This updated edition, by Chuck and Doris Gailey, retired missionaries to Africa, brings the reader the voice of Dr. Chapman, and picks up the story since the book was first released in 1945.
Maps are about more than finding your way through geographical obstacles and terrains. StudyMaps is a new way of looking at both faith and scripture, and of engaging and strengthening the memory to prompt us to evangelism, discipleship, and maturity.
The Mursi people of Ethiopia are a community of nomads who were unreached with the gospel message as of the late 20th century. God called missionary Howie Shute to change that.
Howie and others prayed together that God would remove barriers so that the good news of Jesus would be proclaimed and received by the Mursi.
Read about the incredible God-ordained partnerships that brought people from around the globe to work through the Church of the Nazarene to reach out to Ethiopia’s Mursi.